“I don’t know how they will come to pass.” That is often the phrase we say when God has spoken something into our lives. The promise seems too big and too impossible and we can’t see how what has just been spoken into our lives will every actually become reality. The amazing part is we don’t have to, that is not our job. God didn’t ask us to make the promise come true. He just asks us to believe that He can do it. He asks us to have faith and trust. We have to let go and let God do His job. The promises He has given us are too big for us and that is just the way He likes. He wants to show you His power, might and reckless love by giving you extravagant gifts and fulfilling the promises that with our natural eyes seem impossible. He just wants us to trust.
Not doubting the promises of God is a daily obstacle. Who am I kidding, there are days that doubt is lurking and stalking me every moment. But every day and every moment that doubt comes creeping in I have a choice. I have the choice to give in to doubt and believe the lie the enemy is trying to tell me. Or I can use the weapons of warfare God has armed me with and use His word to reject the doubt and speaking life to the promise. There is freedom beyond imagination when I quit working so hard to make the promise come to pass and just let God do what He says He will do.
Today I chose to speak life to the promises of God. Today I choose to let me faith be stronger than the fear. God’s promises are “yes and amen” (2 Corinthians 1:20) and I will speak life to the promises by saying “yes and amen” to the promises God has given me. Today don’t let the enemy be louder that the voice of God. Listen, hear His voice, He is speaking and reminding you of what He has instore.
Rest in the peace that God will do what He said He will do. Rest in the peace that all you have to do is trust and hear His voice. See beyond the physical today into the spiritual where your promises are waiting. He will fulfill every word He has spoken. You don’t have to figure it all out, you just have to let your faith rise and believe.